Darby's Reparations

     In Darby's article, "Reparations and Racial Inequality", he states in his argument that for so many years Americans have been subject to racial inequality and injustice. Darby argues that the root cause of this is often unclear. On one hand, people may trace back to slavery and on the other people may say that there are many different factors that lead to racial bias. This leads to the inherent problem about racial reparations for African Americans. For example, monetary means may be insufficient for making amends for the centuries of racial inequality. Simply insuring an apology as Barack Obama did may not be enough. The question lingers, will any form of tangible reparations be sufficient. 

    I agree with Darby's argument because I do not think there is any tangible things we can do to make up for centuries of injustice. In other words, I believe we should always keep fighting for equality there is not a lump sum amount of money, statue, formal apology, etc that make up for such horrific acts. The only reparation we can develop is equality and freedom.


  1. Hi Matt,

    I agree that there is no statue, money or apology that could make up for all the inequality and wrong doings that have happened over hundreds of years. I like how you said the only reparation we can develop is equality and freedom. To truly have equality society has to completely change. What are ways that society can change to promote equality and freedom?


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